Marathi Title - नाटक - अगं सुनबाई ,रीस्पेक्टेबल वेडिंग ,रुकमावती कि हवेली (The House Of Barnada Alba)
Keyword :- Bertolt Brech, Theatre, Production ,Performance ,Marathi Play, Marathi Theatre, Production
Marathi Title - मॅकबेथ (राजमुकुट)-दीर्घांक
Keyword :- Macbeth, Theatre, Shakespeare ,Performance ,Marathi Play, Marathi Theatre, Production
Marathi Title - थेटर प्रात्यक्षिक परीक्षा - BA 3 - 2019
Keyword :- Theatre, Performance ,Solo performance ,Examination ,Marathi Play ,Marathi Theatre
Marathi Title - नृत्य कार्यशाळा- प्रा. भेलके
Keyword :- Dance, Workshop, Prof. Bhelke, Aesthetics
Marathi Title - कुणाचा कुणाला मेळ न्हाई- दोन अंकी नाटक
Keyword :- Theatre, Kunacha Kunala Mel Nhai, Vyankatesh Madgulkar, Ajit Sable, Marathi Play, Marathi Theatre ,Performance
Marathi Title -नाटक - तळघर
Keyword :- Talghar, Performance, Theatre, Maxim Gorky , Marathi play , The lower depths , Production