Marathi Title - व्याख्यान- गोष्ट बार्बाची आणि ओडिनचीही, "Amagaki to Shibugaki" a work demonstration by with Carolina Pizarro, "The Flying Carpet" a work demonstration by Julia Vareli
Keyword :- Dr. Praveen Bhole, Theatre,Marathi Theatre, Production ,Eugenio Barba ,Odin Theatre
Marathi Title -परिसंवाद- ३ नाटककार
Keyword :- Shyam Manohar, Theatre,Marathi Theatre, Production , C. P. Deshpande ,Dilip Jagtap , Panel Discussion
Marathi Title - नाटक: मुक्तधारा
Keyword :- Muktadhara, Theatre,Marathi Theatre, Rabindranath Tagore ,Chinmay Kelkar , Production
Marathi Title -ललितोत्सव- २०१७
Keyword :- Lalitotsav, Theatre,Marathi Theatre, Production
Marathi Title - नाटक- आदिकथा
Keyword :- Aadikatha, Theatre,Marathi Theatre, Production ,Satish Manwar
Marathi Title - रंगभूमी आकलन - व्याख्यान
Keyword :- Seminar, Theatre,Marathi Theatre